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User Insights Study

Are you interested to know why your baby cries?

Experience the new generation of baby monitors.

Maxi Cosi See Pro powered by Zoundream!

We want to hear from you, join our Study!

Phases of the Study:

1. Submit online application

2. Up to 50 families will be selected

3. Onboarding process:

4. After 2 – 4 weeks of using Cry Analysis, you will decide whether to keep using it (for a cost of 3.99 € per month) or not

5. Complete a few 5-min monthly surveys

6. At the end of the study, you can keep the device!

What do we expect from you?

      • Activate Cry Analysis when you receive the device
      • Respond to monthly surveys (5min by email)

Communication via WhatsApp or email

Support chat Monday to Friday available

We look forward to collaborating with you to shape the future of infant care together!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Maxi Cosi See Pro? How does it relate to Zoundream?

The Maxi Cosi See Pro is an advanced baby monitoring device from Dorel Juvenile that combines cutting-edge technology with comfort and safety. Equipped with Zoundream’s Cry Analysis technology, the See Pro can interpret a baby’s cries, helping parents better understand their child’s needs. Key features include:

  • Cry Monitoring: Uses Cry Analysis technology to identify different types of cries and their possible causes (sleepy, fussy, hungry, gassy or agitated).
  • Wi-Fi Connectivity: Connects via Wi-Fi, allowing parents to monitor their baby from anywhere with Internet access.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Sends real-time notifications to mobile devices, providing peace of mind and security.

What documents will I have to sign before starting the study?

You will need to sign electronically the Terms and Conditions & an Informed Consent documents.

Process flow:

  • Once participants have been selected, they will receive an email from Zoundream asking to confirm the participation in the pilot.  In order to proceed, participants must reply to the email, confirming their participation and providing their contact information for shipping and communication.
  • Next, they will receive an email with electronic documents (terms and Conditions & Informed Consent) that must be read and signed to ensure the proper usage of the device and protect your personal data according to current laws of data protection and privacy.
  • After you’ve signed the documents, Zoundream will contact you to start the onboarding process.

How far should the device be from my baby, in order to work?

The device does NOT need to be very close to the baby: it just needs to “hear” the sound clearly. We recommend a distance of 1.0 – 1.5 meters from the baby. If the environment is quite silent, could be even further than that.

Can I give it to someone else, if I don’t like it or if I don't need it anymore at some point?

No. The device is delivered to you, and exclusively for your use with your baby.

If at any point in time you don’t want to keep it, or use it anymore, please contact us and we’ll recollect the device. But you should NOT give it someone else.

What if I break it – for example it fell and break?

In that case, you should contact us. We will recollect the broken device. And we can then simply agree together whether it makes sense to send you a new one.

How do you handle privacy and data protection?

Key topic!

Ahead of the (potential) confirmation that you’ll take part to the testing phase (and definitely before we ship the device), we’ll send you a “Terms and conditions” document. That document will clarify – according to GDPR – how data will be eventually captured, recorded, stored. And of course we won’t do anything different than what written in that document. To confirm: we do strictly follow GDPR directions in all its parts (indeed, a single mistake could mean closure, for us). I can already anticipate some key points anyway:

  1. We ONLY want to record baby’s cry SOUNDS. Unlike (for example) Alexa or similar, we are not interested nor capture conversations or talk. Any sound that does not contain a cry is not recorded, registered, or stored. We’re just interested in cries 😉
  2. At any point in time, you can ask us to receive all sounds we have from you. When you receive them, you can then listen to them. And you can also ask we delete everything if you wish so, and we’ll immediately do that. All this according to GDPR rules as well.